Do you know poor countries in the world ?

Do you know poor countries in the world ?

Poor countries in the world are countries that face various challenges in economic, social and political development.

These challenges often result in poverty, inequality, lack of education and health, among other problems.

The following are some countries that are considered poor countries in the world,

based on the 2021 world poverty index and data

from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations.


Central African Republic (RAT)

This country located in Africa has a very high poverty rate,

 around 70 percent of the population lives below the poverty line.

The RAT also faces various conflicts and violence,

which often exacerbate the country's economic and social conditions.



Burundi is a country located in East Africa and also faces various economic and social problems,

including widespread poverty,

lack of access to education and health,

and ongoing political conflict.



Liberia is a country located in West Africa and is considered one of the poorest countries in the world.

Liberia has experienced many problems,

 including conflict, high unemployment,

and a lack of access to education and health.


Haiti is a country located in Central America and the Caribbean.

This country is often shaken by natural disasters

and political conflicts which exacerbate the country's economic

 and social conditions.

Haitian has a high poverty index and access to education

and health is also very limited.



Yemen is a country located in Southwest Asia.

 The country faces multiple problems,

including prolonged conflict, widespread poverty,

and shortages of food and clean water.



Afghanistan is a country located in Central Asia

 and is also considered one of the poorest countries in the world.

The country faces a variety of problems, including prolonged conflict,

widespread poverty,

and a lack of access to education and health.



Madagascar is a country located in East Africa.

The country also faces various economic and social problems,

including widespread poverty, lack of access to education and health,

and food shortages.


Mozambique is a country located in South Africa.

The country suffers from many problems, including widespread poverty,

lack of access to education and health,

and political conflict and violence.
